Our expertise and services on EU Project writing from A-Z consists:

1.Project idea and concept ready
2. Find appropriate core partners
3.Fine definition of project idea
4.Main work in writing proposal (in state-of-the-art, project implementation, impact)
4. Find other needed project partners
Where, whom, …
5. Complete consortium
6. Submit the proposal, composed by
Part B – technical part
Part A – administrative part
Part C-  budget

We offer our Project Management  services in any EU community programs related projects , like H2020, ENPI CBC MED, Erasmus+,  Interreg Central Europe, SEE, CEE, Eranetmed etc.

Contractual management, administrative management & reporting, financial & research management, risk management & contingency planning, documentation & archiving, project management body and contact with the project coordinator and EC project officer, meetings with EC team, Minutes of Meeting, audits.

 1. Open Innovation trainings and coaches

Our training and coach on Open Innpvation will examine services innovation, primarily within the IT context. It will also focus upon the business model in creating and managing innovation in services businesses. We will also consider how product-based businesses can - or cannot - transition to service-based businesses. During the course, we will have outside visitors from companies like IBM

Here are some of the themes for the course:
  1. Open Innovation in services is not the same process as Open Innovation in products. Services are intangible. They often are consumed as they are delivered. In fact, the customer often co-creates the service experience with the supplier.
  2. Technology can enable new models of services businesses. Information is both the key input and the key output for many services businesses. Little wonder that more than 70% of information technology sold in the Europe is purchased by service firms. The selection, deployment and management of technology in services is thus a critical element for business success.
  3. Business models are a key enabler and a key differentiator for services businesses. We will be quite precise about defining a business model, and explore a variety of methods for articulating, designing, and managing business models in services. Technologies are emerging to help model business processes in useful ways. They can enable a richer exploration of alternative business models that might differentiate the business from competitors.
  4. In Living Lab context: Standards, architectures, and platforms are essential tools to create leverage and scalability for services businesses. When services businesses are largely people-based, their ability to grow depends on the ability to hire and retain sufficiently talented people. If, however, a firm can incorporate its knowledge so that others can build upon it via standards, architectures and platforms, the services business can grow beyond the constraints of its internal personnel.
  2 . H2020 and Project Management trainings - How to write a competitive proposal for H2020 ?

The H2020 workshop is essential for any researchers from Switzerland or Europe or North-of-Africa etc. planning to participate in EU research programmes during their career, either as a member of a consortium or as an individual applicant.

This one day course will help you to write professional and competitive proposals for the EU H2020 Framework Programme (FP7). The course describes the common problems associated with the writing of proposals , the criteria for success and the relevance of H2020  to EU policies. The Course presenter, Tunde Kallai  has extensive experience of co-ordinating and evaluating EU projects since 2003.

Ask our service and price list:                                                               

Mrs Tunde Kallai

EU Senior Expert, Project Evaluator & Reviewer

to the EC since 2003.

CH - 4363 Rotkreuz
1, Birkenmatt

Tel: +41 78 8343104
Tel: +36 30 4645579

email: tkallai60@gmail.com
Skype: tkallai

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